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How do I transfer/deposit crypto with my sub-accounts?

Published on Aug 22, 2023Updated on May 23, 20244 min read

Sub-accounts can be used for spot, spot leverage, contract trading and deposits for standard sub-accounts, but withdrawals are not allowed. You can only transfer crypto from your main account into your sub-account. To transfer funds from your sub-account back to your main account, you must do this within the main account.

How do I transfer crypto from my main account to sub-account?

On the web

  1. Login to your OKX main account and find Transfer on the Sub-accounts page; or you can select Assets > My assets > Transfer > Sub-account transfer

    Option1: find transfer on sub-accounts page

    Option1: find transfer on sub-accounts page

    Option2: open sub-account transfer on assets overview page

    Option2: open sub-account transfer on assets overview page

  2. Select Funding/Trading account in Main/Sub-account, the Sub-account name and Crypto you would like to transfer

  3. Fill in the Amount and select Transfer to complete

On the app

  1. Login to your OKX App main account and select Assets

  2. Go to Transfer and select Sub-account transfer

    Select sub-account transfer at the top right corner

    Select sub-account transfer at the top right corner

  3. Select Funding/Trading account in Main/Sub-account, the Sub-account name and Crypto you would like to transfer

  4. Fill in the Amount and select Confirm to complete

How do I transfer crypto from my sub-account to main account?

On the web

  1. Login to your OKX main account and find Transfer on the Sub-accounts page; Or you can select Assets > My Assets > Overview from homepage

  2. Select Switch to change the From and To on Sub-account transfer page

    Select switch in the middle to change from sub-account to main account

    Select switch in the middle to change from sub-account to main account

On the app

  1. Login to your OKX App main account and select Assets

  2. Go to Transfer and select Sub-account transfer

  3. Select Switch to change the From and To

    Select sub-account transfer at the top right corner

    Select switch at the right side to change from sub-account to main account

How do I deposit crypto with my sub-accounts?

The main account has control on enabling the deposit function for sub-accounts on the web. However, only standard sub-accounts can deposit cryptos.

Enable deposit for standard sub-accounts in main account

Enable deposit for standard sub-accounts in main account

Once the deposit function is enabled, you can login or switch to the standard sub-accounts to make deposits as usual. If you would like to know more about how to make a deposit on OKX, you can view it here.

  • Login or switch to your OKX standard sub-account, select Assets > My Assets > Overview > Deposit

    On the web: Open deposit page in your standard sub-account

    On the web: Open deposit page in your standard sub-account

  • Login or switch to your sub-accounts on OKX App, select Assets > Deposit

    On App: Open deposit page in your standard sub-account

    On the app: Open deposit page in your standard sub-account