OKXLiquid Marketplace

The most powerful on-demand liquidity network for professional and institutional traders.

Instantly trade spot OTC, futures spreads, and options strategies at the price you want.

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Liquid Marketplace
Savings up to 50%
Nitro Spreads

Now available

For institutional clients

Nitro Spreads

Trade predefined Delta One spread strategies with dedicated order book liquidity for both legs.

RFQ automation
Custom multi-leg strategies
RFQ Board

RFQ automation

  • Automated RFQ workflow with integrated position builder.
  • Anonymous RFQs with two-way quotes.
  • End-to-end connectivity with OKX risk management and settlement.

Custom multi-leg strategies

  • Choose from a variety of classic strategies: futures spread, carry trade, and more.
  • Request quotes on futures spreads and basis trades at a click of a button.
  • Easy way to express views on market direction and volatility.

RFQ Board

  • View competitive two-way quotes on your RFQ, ensuring your price is the best one available on the market.
  • Secure your assets with OKX’s risk management, clearing, and settlement system.
  • Easily view, manage, and evaluate your RFQs and quotes in one place.

Suite of services

24/7 VIP support

Dedicated VIP account manager and technical support team to respond to your queries.

World-class APIs

Connect via REST API or WebSocket to make position updates, manage trades, and stream market data.

Portfolio margin

Greater capital efficiency with our sophisticated portfolio margin system optimized for derivatives traders.

Watch to learn more

Intro to Nitro Spreads

Basis trading explained

RFQ tutorial

Benefits of Liquid Marketplace

Order book execution for high volume trades can mean information leakage on trade intent and price slippage due to lack of liquidity on the open market.
Instead of impacting the market, secure a favorable price by placing your order on our Liquid Marketplace.

Send an RFQ only to the market makers you selected and receive two-way quotes.


Choose a price you like and carry out the trade over-the-counter.

Learn more
What is block trading?
A block trade is a large-sized, privately-negotiated transaction. They are common among institutional investors, hedge funds, and high-net-worth individuals deploying significant capital. When executing large orders on exchanges, traders risk disrupting the market and causing extreme price changes. Alternatively, takers and makers can agree on a settlement price discreetly and privately with a request-for-quote (RFQ).
What is an RFQ?
A request-for-quote, or RFQ, is an electronic notification sent to market makers expressing the sender's intention to trade a specific instrument or strategy. Market makers will be alerted once an RFQ has been sent and will be prompted to submit an ask and a bid price for the request.
Is there a minimum assets requirement for trading in the Liquid Marketplace?
Yes. In order to trade in the OKX Liquid Marketplace, please make sure your OKX trading account has at least 10,000 USD or equivalent.
What is the minimum size of a block?
On the Liquid Marketplace, the minimum notional size of an all-spot RFQ is 10,000 USD or equivalent. For all other RFQs, the minimum notional size is 50,000 USD or equivalent. The minimum notional size is subject to exceptions during times of market volatility.
Which trading pairs are supported in the Liquid Marketplace?
All trading pairs listed on OKX are available to trade on OKX Liquid Marketplace.
What instruments are available in the Liquid Marketplace?
Spot, perpetuals, expiries, options, and multi-leg strategies are supported on OKX Liquid Marketplace.
What information is required to start trading in the Liquid Marketplace?
You must first complete identity verification.
Are there any country or region specific service restrictions?
Yes. The availability of products and services listed on this page will depend on your region. Please see your applicable Terms of Service for more detail.
Disclaimer:The availability of products and services listed on this page will depend on your region. Please see your applicable Terms of Service for more detail.