Starknet price


Starknet price live data

The current price of Starknet is $0.71220. Since 00:00 UTC, Starknet has decreased by -1.40%. It currently has a circulating supply of 1,300,311,845 STRK and a maximum supply of 10,000,000,000 STRK, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $925.82M. At present, Starknet holds the 0 position in market cap rankings. The Starknet/USD price is updated in real-time.

Starknet price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today-$0.01010 -1.40%
7 days-$0.00590 -0.83%
30 days-$0.58370 -45.05%
3 months-$1.5641 -68.72%

Starknet market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$0.70640
Last price $0.71220
24h high$0.76130
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-82.16% (-$3.2778)
Feb 20, 2024 (4 months ago)
All-time low
+12.86% ($0.081200)
Jun 24, 2024 (2 days ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
1,300,311,845 STRK
Market cap at circulating supply
Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price

About Starknet (STRK)

Starknet is a Validity-Rollup (aka ZK-Rollup) Layer 2 network that operates on top of Ethereum, enabling DApps to massively scale without compromising on security. It achieves this by bundling transactions into an off-chain computed STARK proof. This proof is then submitted to Ethereum as a single transaction, resulting in significantly higher throughput, faster processing times, and much lower costs, all while retaining the robust security of the Ethereum settlement layer.
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What affects STRK's price?
STRK price is affected by a wide range of factors, including but not limited to the overall crypto market sentiment and the performance of the Strike Finance platform.
What are liquidations on the Strike platform?

A liquidation is an event that occurs whenever a borrower on the Strike platform overshoots the collateral factor percentage of a specific market or in total. When this happens, the liquidation command within the corresponding Strike smart contract gets executed automatically.

As a result, the underlying collateral assets are liquidated to fulfill the borrower's obligations. These obligations also include a liquidation penalty levied by protocol.

How are supply and borrow rates determined on the Strike platform?

The supply and borrow rates are determined through a yield curve rate mechanism. This makes the process autonomous, without the need for the protocol's users to individually negotiate the rates. In addition, this mechanism follows the conventional macroeconomic model of demand and supply.

Whenever there's a low demand for a specific market, supply and borrowing rates are kept lower and more lucrative for borrowers. On the other hand, whenever there's a high demand for any market, the borrowing and supply rates get automatically adjusted and become higher. The entire process is controlled via a code and is managed through the Strike protocol's governance mechanism.

Where can I buy STRK?

You can buy STRK from OKX exchange. OKX offers the STRK/USDT trading pair.

Before you begin trading with OKX, you need to create an account. Then, to trade STRK/USDT, click "Basic trading" under "Trade" on the top navigation bar.

If you do not have USDT, you may buy USDT with your preferred fiat before swapping it for STRK in the trading terminal.

Alternatively, visit our new OKX Crypto Calculator. Select STRK and the desired fiat that you would like to convert to view the estimated live conversion price.

Is STRK a good investment?

At OKX, we advise you to research any cryptocurrency before investing objectively. Cryptocurrency is deemed a high-risk asset and prone to sharp price movements. Therefore, we ask that you only invest what you are willing to lose.

Furthermore, like all cryptocurrencies, STRK is volatile and carries investment risks. Therefore, before investing, you should do your own research (DYOR) and evaluate your risk appetite before proceeding.

How much is Starknet worth today?
Currently, one Starknet is worth $0.71220. For answers and insight into Starknet's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Starknet charts and trade responsibly with OKX.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as Starknet, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Starknet have been created as well.
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