Aavegotchi price

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Aavegotchi price live data

The current price of Aavegotchi is $1.1740. Over the last 24 hours, Aavegotchi has decreased by -5.77%. It currently has a circulating supply of 51,157,239 GHST and a maximum supply of 52,747,803 GHST, giving it a fully diluted market cap of $60.11M. At present, Aavegotchi holds the 0 position in market cap rankings. The Aavegotchi/USD price is updated in real-time.

Aavegotchi price performance in USD

Time periodChange amount%Chg
Today-$0.07194 -5.78%
7 days-$0.11098 -8.64%
30 days-$0.41198 -25.98%
3 months-$0.76398 -39.43%

Aavegotchi market information

24h low/high
The highest, lowest, and last prices in 24 hours
24h low$1.1730
Last price $1.1740
24h high$1.3709
Market cap
Favorited rate
Percentage of users who favorited this asset to all users
All-time high
-69.86% (-$2.7210)
Apr 2, 2024 (2 months ago)
All-time low
+195.72% ($0.77702)
Nov 13, 2020 (4 years ago)
ICO date
ICO price
The price at which this crypto was first traded
Circulating supply
The amount of this crypto that is publicly available in the market
51,157,239 GHST
Market cap at circulating supply
Market cap = Circulating supply × Last price
The audit data comes from partners that we have integrated with via API. Our partners conduct security assessments on the provided source code.
Last audit: 03/01/2021

About Aavegotchi (GHST)

In the rapidly expanding landscape of cryptocurrency, a new genre known as GameFi has emerged, offering players thrilling and immersive gaming experiences with the added opportunity to earn rewards. Among the multitude of platforms in this space, Aavegotchi (GHST) stands out as a leading contender, providing a unique and engaging gameplay experience that has captivated the attention of gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike.

What is Aavegotchi

Aavegotchi is a non-fungible token (NFT)-based game that merges the worlds of gaming and decentralized finance (DeFi). Built on the Polygon network and accessible through various web browsers, Aavegotchi offers an immersive experience where players can deploy their avatars to engage in farming activities and harvest rewards in the form of tokens.

This unique combination of NFT technology and DeFi creates a dynamic ecosystem where gamers can utilize their NFTs, participate in engaging gameplay, and earn valuable rewards. By acquiring plots of land, enhancing their characters, and strategically upgrading their assets, players can unlock new opportunities and maximize their experience within the Aavegotchi metaverse.

The Aavegotchi team

Aavegotchi was launched by Pixelcraft Studios in 2021. Coder Dan serves as the CEO while Jesse Johnson serves as the COO. Aave’s founder, Stani Kulechov, was the project’s first advisor.

How does Aavegotchi work

Aavegotchi is a crypto collectibles game that takes inspiration from the beloved Tamagotchi and combines it with the power of blockchain technology. Aavegotchis are pixelated ghosts living on the Ethereum blockchain, backed by the ERC-721 standard.

Aavegotchi features two distinct gaming modes: mini games and rarity farming. Mini games allow players to explore the Aavegotchi gaming universe alongside friends and fellow players. On the other hand, rarity farming rewards rewards rare Aavegotchis with GHST tokens.

Players have the opportunity to level up their Aavegotchis by participating in a range of activities including mini games, governance, and meetups. By equipping in-game wearables and leveling up, Aavegotchis can also increase their rarity level. Additionally, players have the opportunity to rent out their avatars to others, allowing them to passively receive a percentage of the generated income.

Within the Aavegotchi universe, various exciting elements enhance the gameplay experience. These include the Baazaar, Portals, Wearables, Maall, Kinship, the AavegotchiDAO, and many more.

Aavegotchi’s native token: GHST

GHST serves as the native token within the Aavegotchi universe, allowing players to engage in a wide range of activities within the Aavegotchi ecosystem. It can also be used to acquire in-game portals, wearables, realm parcels, and more.

Furthermore, GHST acts as a reward token, offering players percentage-based rewards for their participation in Aavegotchi's Play to Earn ecosystem.

GHST tokenomics

There is a maximum supply of 52.7 million and a circulating supply of 51.1 million. According to the team, GHST functions not only as the primary utility token of the gaming universe but will also act as a reward and governance token.

Aavegotchi use cases

As the native token, GHST enables users to access and utilize different features and services within the Aavegotchi platform. It also grants holders governance rights, allowing them to participate in decision-making processes and shape the future of the Aavegotchi ecosystem. Additionally, GHST can be staked to earn rewards, providing users with an opportunity to generate passive income while contributing to the growth and stability of the Aavegotchi network.

Distribution of GHST

GHST is allocates as follows:

  • 5 million GHST for the private sale
  • 1 million GHST for the ecosystem fund
  • 1 million GHST for the team
  • 500,000 GHST for the pre-sale
  • An unlimited amount for the public bonding curve sale

Aavegotchi’s expansion plans

Aavegotchi has ambitious plans to expand the landscape of blockchain-based gaming by combining NFTs and DeFi. With a vision to revolutionize the gaming industry, Aavegotchi aims to raise awareness about this innovative concept and establish itself as a frontrunner in the field.

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What is Aavegotchi? 

Aavegotchi is a blockchain-based game that combines non-fungible tokens (NFT) and decentralized finance (DeFi) to launch a new and improved era of gaming. The project offers a unique and immersive gaming experience where players can own and interact with digital collectible avatars called Aavegotchis, earn rewards, trade assets, and participate in in-game activities.

What are the benefits of holding GHST? 

GHST holders are granted access to different features and services within Aavegotchi. Token holders also enjoy voting rights, enabling them to participate in the decision-making processes of the platform. Additionally, by staking a portion of their GHST holdings, users can earn rewards, further incentivizing active participation and engagement.

Where can I buy GHST? 

Easily buy GHST tokens on the OKX cryptocurrency platform. OKX’s spot trading terminal offers the GHST/USDT trading pair.

You can also swap your existing cryptocurrencies, including XRP (XRP), Cardano (ADA), Solana (SOL), and Chainlink (LINK), for GHST with zero fees and no price slippage by using OKX Convert.

How much is Aavegotchi worth today?
Currently, one Aavegotchi is worth $1.1740. For answers and insight into Aavegotchi's price action, you're in the right place. Explore the latest Aavegotchi charts and trade responsibly with OKX.
What is cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, such as Aavegotchi, are digital assets that operate on a public ledger called blockchains. Learn more about coins and tokens offered on OKX and their different attributes, which includes live prices and real-time charts.
When was cryptocurrency invented?
Thanks to the 2008 financial crisis, interest in decentralized finance boomed. Bitcoin offered a novel solution by being a secure digital asset on a decentralized network. Since then, many other tokens such as Aavegotchi have been created as well.