Join the public testnet#

See the testnet repo for information on the latest testnet, including the correct version of OKTC to use and details about the genesis file.

You need to install oktc before you go further

Details of deployment information:

Supported Platforms#

We support running a full node on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.

Minimum system requirements#

The hardware must meet certain requirements to run exchaind.

For node requirement details, please visit Node Requirement

Setting up a new node#

These instructions are for setting up a brand new full node from scratch.

First, initialize the node and create the necessary config files:

exchaind init <your_custom_moniker> --chain-id exchain-65

NOTE: Monikers can contain only ASCII characters. Using Unicode characters will render your node unreachable.

You can edit this moniker later, in the ~/.exchaind/config/config.toml file:

# A custom human readable name for this node
moniker = "<your_custom_moniker>"

You can edit the ~/.exchaind/config/exchaind.toml file in order to enable the anti spam mechanism and reject incoming transactions with less than the minimum gas prices:

# This is a TOML config file.
# For more information, see

##### main base config options #####

# The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
# transaction. A transaction’s fees must meet the minimum of any denomination
# specified in this config (Our recommended quantity is  10^-9 okt).

minimum-gas-prices = ""

Your full node has been initialized!

Genesis & seeds#

Copy the genesis file#

Fetch the testnet’s genesis.json file into exchaind’s config directory.

Note we use the latest directory in the testnets repo which contains details for the testnet like the latest version and the genesis file.

To verify the correctness of the configuration run:

exchaind start --chain-id exchain-65

Add seed nodes#

Your node needs to know how to find peers. You’ll need to add healthy seed nodes to $HOME/.exchaind/config/config.toml. The testnets repo contains links to some seed nodes.

You can add seeds in the ~/.exchaind/config/config.toml file:

# Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect to
seeds = "b7c6bdfe0c3a6c1c68d6d6849f1b60f566e189dd@,d7eec05e6449945c8e0fd080d58977d671eae588@,223b5b41d1dba9057401def49b456630e1ab2599@"

For more information on seeds and peers, you can read this.

Starting a new node#

Start the full node with this command:

exchaind start --chain-id exchain-65

Check that everything is running smoothly:

exchaincli status

See the testnet repo for information on testnets, including the correct version of the OKTC to use and details about the genesis file.

JSON-RPC endpoint#


Upgrading your node#

These instructions are for full nodes that have ran on previous versions of and would like to upgrade to the latest testnet.

Reset data#

First, remove the outdated files and reset the data.

rm $HOME/.exchaind/config/addrbook.json $HOME/.exchaind/config/genesis.json
exchaind unsafe-reset-all

Your node is now in a pristine state while keeping the original priv_validator.json and config.toml. If you had any sentry nodes or full nodes setup before, your node will still try to connect to them, but may fail if they haven’t also been upgraded.

NOTE: Make sure that every node has a unique priv_validator.json. Do not copy the priv_validator.json from an old node to multiple new nodes. Running two nodes with the same priv_validator.json will cause you to double sign.

Software upgrade#

Now it is time to upgrade the software:

git clone
cd exchain
git fetch --all && git checkout master
make install

NOTE: If you have issues at this step, please check that you have the latest stable version of GO installed.

Note we use master here since it contains the latest stable release. See the testnet repo for details on which version is needed for which testnet, and the OKTC release page for details on each release.

Your full node has been cleanly upgraded!

Upgrade to validator node#

You now have an active full node. What’s the next step? You can upgrade your full node to become a OKTC Validator. The top 100 validators have the ability to propose new blocks to the OKTC. Continue onto the Validator Setup.

Join the public testnet With docker#

Run OKTC testnet fullnode with docker#

1. Download the docker image#

docker pull okexchain/fullnode-testnet:latest

2. Set the data directory#

Download the testnet snapshot from here, and unzip it into a data directory ${DATA_DIR}.

3. Run docker container#

docker run -d --name exchain-testnet-fullnode -v ${DATA_DIR}:/root/.exchaind/data/ -p 8545:8545 okexchain/fullnode-testnet:latest

Notice: ${DATA_DIR} has to be an absolute path

4. View the running log#

docker logs --tail 100 -f exchain-testnet-fullnode

5. Stop and restart the fullnode#

  • Stop
docker stop exchain-testnet-fullnode
  • Restart
docker start exchain-testnet-fullnode

5. RPC#

When docker gets to the latest block, local RPC can be used:http://localhost:8545