0 | 200 | Succeeded | 操作成功 |
50011 | 429 | Rate limit reached. Please refer to API documentation and throttle requests accordingly. | 用户请求频率过快,超过该接口允许的限额。请参考 API 文档并限制请求 |
50014 | 400 | Parameter {0} cannot be empty. | 必填参数 {0} 不能为空 |
50026 | 500 | System error. Try again later. | 系统错误,请稍后重试 |
50103 | 401 | Request header “OK-ACCESS-KEY” cannot be empty. | 请求头“OK_ACCESS_KEY”不能为空 |
50104 | 401 | Request header “OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE” cannot be empty. | 请求头“OK_ACCESS_PASSPHRASE”不能为空 |
50105 | 401 | Request header “OK-ACCESS-PASSPHRASE” is incorrect. | 请求头“OK_ACCESS_PASSPHRASE”错误 |
50106 | 401 | Request header “OK-ACCESS-SIGN” cannot be empty. | 请求头“OK_ACCESS_SIGN”不能为空 |
50107 | 401 | Request header “OK-ACCESS-TIMESTAMP” cannot be empty. | 请求头“OK_ACCESS_TIMESTAMP”不能为空 |
50111 | 401 | Invalid OK-ACCESS-KEY | OK_ACCESS_KEY 无效 |
50113 | 401 | Invalid signature | 签名无效 |
84000 | 400 | Parameter error | 参数错误 |
84001 | 200 | Platform not supported | 不支持的平台 |
84003 | 200 | Protocol not supported | 不支持的协议 |
84007 | 200 | Investment product not supported | 不支持的投资品 |
84010 | 200 | Token not supported | 不支持的币种 |
84011 | 200 | Platform logo is empty | 平台 logo 为空 |
84013 | 200 | Swap not supported | 不支持兑换 |
84014 | 200 | Balance validation unsuccessful | 余额校验失败 |
84016 | 200 | Smart contract execution unsuccessful | 合约方法执行失败 |
84017 | 200 | Staking rate validation unsuccessful | 质押率校验失败 |
84018 | 200 | Balancing unsuccessful | 配平失败 |
84019 | 200 | Address format unmatched | 地址格式不匹配 |
84021 | 200 | Syncing assets | 资产同步中 |
84022 | 200 | Authorization type not supported | 不支持的交易授权 |
84998 | 200 | Investment error | 投资异常 |
84999 | 500 | Default error | 默认异常 |