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Copy trading vs bot trading: which is best for new crypto traders?

"Want to trade crypto? You have to do it yourself."For a long time, this adage used to hold true. From the hecticness of the crypto market being available 24/7 to the possible lack of liquidity for crypto spot pairs, crypto trading can seem hard to get into. Thankfully, with the advent of copy trading and bot trading, crypto trading has never been more convenient and accessible. If you're new to the world of crypto trading, bot trading and copy trading might seem indistinguishable. After all, both involve letting third parties take the wheel when executing trades.

Keen to learn more about their similarities and differences? In this comparison guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of bot trading and copy trading in the crypto space and explore the kind of edge that each provides for crypto traders.

To kick off, it's important to have a basic understanding of what bot trading and copy trading are.

What is bot trading?

Bot trading involves the use of automated algorithms and user-programmed software to execute crypto trades based on pre-set criteria. From performing technical analysis informed by trading indicators to recognizing chart patterns, trading bots will make use of all this data and more to execute trades according to the parameters set by you. Some examples of trading bots include our DCA trading bot, spot grid trading bot, and signal trading bot.

Advantages of bot trading

  1. Efficiency and speed: One of the most significant advantages of bot trading is its ability to process and analyze large volumes of market data much faster than a human trader. This speed allows bots to capitalize on market opportunities almost instantaneously, a crucial factor in the volatile crypto market.

  2. Emotionless trading: Bots operate based on predefined algorithms and don't suffer from human emotions like fear or greed. This can lead to more disciplined and consistent trading, avoiding the pitfalls of overleveraging and panic selling that emotional decision-making causes.

  3. 24/7 always-on trading: While human traders are impaired by fatigue, bots can operate round the clock. This makes sure no trading opportunity is missed out on.

Risks of bot trading

  1. Software bugs: The reliance on software means bot trading is susceptible to bugs or technical issues, which can lead to erroneous trades and faulty inputs.

  2. Need for monitoring: Despite being automated, bots require regular monitoring and updates to make sure they're functioning as intended, especially in a market as dynamic as crypto.

  3. Inability to function during volatility: The cryptocurrency market is known for its high volatility. Bots, while efficient, might not always adapt quickly to sudden market changes, leading to potential losses.

What is copy trading?

Copy trading is a strategy where traders replicate the positions of experienced and successful traders. This method allows novices to benefit from the expertise of their more seasoned peers without requiring extensive market knowledge and technical analysis knowhow themselves. In our copy trading overview, you'll discover all kinds of lead traders and their respective profit and loss records.

Advantages of copy trading

  1. Simplicity and accessibility: Copy trading is particularly appealing to beginners since it simplifies the trading process by allowing them to mirror the strategies of established traders.

  2. Learning opportunity: By observing the decisions of experienced traders, crypto novices can learn and understand different market strategies and trends.

  3. Diversification: Copying multiple traders allows novice crypto traders to effortlessly diversify their portfolio and spread their risk across experienced traders with different styles and strategies.

Risks of copy trading

  1. Dependence on others: The success of copy trading heavily depends on the skill and decisions of the traders being copied. This can be risky, especially if the copied trader's strategy doesn't align with the market's direction.

  2. Limited control: Traders who sign up for copy trading have little to no decision-making over individual positions created in copy trading. They entrust their funds to the strategies of others, which might not always align with their own risk tolerance or trading goals.

  3. Amplified losses: If the copied lead trader makes poor decisions, it can lead to amplified losses for those copying them, especially if a significant portion of their portfolio is committed to the strategy.

Copy trading vs bot trading: similarities

One interesting thing about both of these trading strategies is that on the surface, they appear similar. Before diving into how they're different, let's first look at how copy trading and bot trading are similar strategies.


Both copy trading and bot trading make use of automation to execute crypto trades. The processes in both methodologies are largely hands-free, allowing users to benefit from market movements without the constant need for manual intervention.


Copy trading and bot trading aim to lower the barrier to entry and make trading more accessible. This might be appealing to crypto traders who may lack extensive experience in financial markets. Thanks to their accessibility, both these strategies provide an immediate entry point for beginners.


While there may be risks involved with both copy trading and bot trading, the good news is that these risks can be mitigated with portfolio diversification. Copy trading allows followers to diversify by selecting multiple lead traders, while bot trading allows for diversification by choosing various assets and strategies.

Learning opportunities

Both methods offer extensive learning opportunities for crypto traders. Copy trading allows users to observe and learn from experienced traders, while bot trading can be an educational experience as users delve into algorithmic strategies and find out what trading indicators these algorithms pay attention to.

Copy trading vs bot trading: differences

Anyone new to crypto trading may sometimes mistakenly use the terms copy trading and bot trading interchangeably. Below are the key differences separating copy trading from bot trading.

Decision-making authority

Control is a big talking point in our comparison between copy trading and bot trading strategies. For copy trading followers, they'll often have to relinquish decision-making authority to the selected lead trader. By mirroring the trades of the chosen trader, followers are essentially trading without actively making individual trade decisions. Conversely, for bot trading, users have more control over decision-making since they can define the criteria and parameters for algorithmic trading that'll influence how the trading bot executes trades.

Learning curve

Of the two trading strategies, copy trading is considered more beginner-friendly with a gentler learning curve. Users can start copying trades without requiring in-depth knowledge of trading strategies or algorithms. On the other hand, bot trading involves a steeper learning curve as users need to understand key factors like market direction to select the right bot that aligns with their trading goals.

Undertaking different risks

While copy trading and bot trading seem attractive because of their automation and accessibility, each comes with a unique set of risks. Emotions influence copy trading as crypto lead traders may be swayed by existing sentiments that can change quickly. Among bot trading, algorithms that execute trades based on pre-programmed rules may be prone to software bugs that impact overall execution.

Risk management

The mitigation and management of risk is crucial for crypto traders to remain in the green for the long-term. Even though copy and bot trading include some form of risk management, the way it's done differs. To diversify the risks associated with copy trading, followers are encouraged to select a group of lead traders to mitigate the risks associated with poor performance from a single lead trader. Conversely, bot trading risk management is based on the effectiveness of the pre-programmed algorithm. Regular monitoring and adjustments are necessary to adapt to changing market conditions and minimize risks.

Copy trading vs bot trading: which should you choose?

The choice between bot trading and copy trading in the crypto market depends on many factors, including individual risk tolerance, long-term trading goals, and the level of involvement sought in the trading process. While bot trading offers a more hands-off approach with the potential for high efficiency and speed, it also comes with the need for technical know-how and active risk management. On the other hand, copy trading generally provides an easier entry point for beginners and opportunities for learning. However, it also involves a reliance on the expertise of others and limited control.

Ultimately, both methods have their unique sets of pros and cons. Crypto traders interested in both trading strategies should conduct thorough research and consider their personal goals before deciding on a strategy. As the crypto market continues to evolve, staying adaptable and informed will be key to navigating its complexities and capitalizing on its opportunities. Whether you choose bot trading, copy trading, or a combination of both, the dynamic world of crypto trading offers a range of possibilities for those willing to explore and learn.

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