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14. 交易賬戶不可交易小額資產定期劃轉至資金賬戶規則

發佈於 2023年8月28日更新於 2024年4月4日閱讀時長 3 分鐘

OKX periodically transfers untradable crypto dust from your Trading account to your Funding account. These transfers won't affect the total amount of assets in your accounts. Here's what you need to know about the transfer scope and schedule:

Transfer scope

The scope includes crypto that you haven't used within a week, with a quantity less than 0.0001 and a value less than 0.01 USD.

Transfer schedule

Transfers are conducted on the 14th day of every month at 3:00 pm UTC. The transfer process may take a few days.

Untradable crypto dust refers to crypto that has a value too small to trade. After the transfers, you can check your Funding account for the relevant assets and transfer history. You can also use the "Easy convert" feature to convert assets in your Trading account to other types of crypto.

How to access Easy convert


Go to the Trading page > Assets > Easy convert




Tap the "Easy convert" button in the tooltip at the top of the Assets page


Or tap the icon in the top right corner of the Assets page, tap the icon in the top right corner of the Assets details page, and then tap the “Easy convert” button:
