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Notice on Suspending ETH and ERC20 Tokens Withdrawal

發佈於 2017年12月6日更新於 2024年4月4日閱讀時長 2 分鐘

Dear Valued Customers,

Due to abnormal congestion of the ETH network, the deposits and withdrawals of ETH and other ERC20 protocol tokens cannot be processed properly, therefore we have suspended the withdrawals function of all ERC20 tokens until the ETH network resume normal. During this period, it is recommended that you should try to avoid depositing and withdrawing any ETH and ERC20 tokens. The affected tokens are: ETH, EOS, XUC, OMG, SNT, STORJ, CMT and ITC. Once again, we do apologize for any inconvenience caused.

ETH unconfirmed transfer number query: https://etherscan.io/txsPending
ETH unconfirmed transfer number chart: https://etherscan.io/chart/pendingtx

December 6, 2017