Web3Gaming background

共建 GameFi 生态

GameSphere 是欧易专为 Web3 游戏项目及公链提供的加速平台。我们将提供交易平台、技术服务和推广资源等多方面的支持,期望与你共同创造更好的 Web3 游戏生态。

Web3 游戏宣传推广


NFT 资产发行

欧易提供 NFT Drops 功能,支持抢购、中签等多种活动形式,满足你的一切游戏资产发行需求。






欧易根据项目合作情况提供不同程度的宣传推广,例如 Web3 市场首页 Banner、KOL 转发、官方社媒推送等。



欧易可与游戏项目联合举办交易大赛、免 Gas 等活动,提升游戏的市场热度及资产流动性。

Web3 游戏技术服务


通过欧易 WaaS 服务,将欧易 Web3 钱包内嵌至游戏中,让用户在游戏内完成数字钱包的创建、备份与登录。



通过欧易 WaaS 服务,将欧易 DEXNFT 市场内嵌至游戏中,让用户在游戏内进行代币兑换和 NFT 交易。并且欧易支持 NFT 强制版税功能,让游戏项目可以稳定获取收益。


探索 Web3 游戏

Lumiterra is a multiplayer online open-world adventure game set in a vast world where you can join forces with other players to engage in battles, cultivate crops, capture monsters, craft diverse equipment and weapons, and discover new wonders. Lumiterra integrates DeFi users, GameFi users, and traditional gamers into a cohesive system where each type of player can pursue their interests. Together, they participate in and benefit from a dynamic economic system within the game, powered by three enhancing flywheels. Players' actions not only contribute to the game's ecosystem but also bring personal rewards and opportunities for growth, making every contribution meaningful and rewarding.
Elfin Metaverse
Elfin Metaverse
The 1st GameFi Omni Layer Focus on eSports. The GameFi’s new frontier. Elfin Metaverse is an all-in-one eSports gaming platform and open-world metaverse built on Elfin Lands, a virtual realm that offers a unique gaming experience and a thriving community. Players can engage in daily battles, participate in seasonal tournaments, and join social events within the metaverse. Elfin Lands owners enjoy exclusive NFTs, economic rewards, and the ability to customize their lands and surroundings. The platform also fosters collaboration with bluechip Web3 communities, gaming guilds, and DAOs, providing opportunities for engagement and growth.
Space Nation
Space Nation
We are building Space Nation, a next-gen Space Opera IP and Franchise. Its first and core product is Space Nation Online, a Web3 Space Opera MMORPG, which has been built for almost 4 years. Leveraging Web3 technologies and tools, we emphasize the integration of P4F and P2E in the game world, constructing a complex and sustainable in-game economy, to cater to both the massive Web2 gamers and selected Web3 users. Our aim is to elevate liquidity in the game ecosystem to unprecedented levels and build a virtual economy beyond imagination.
Counter Fire
Counter Fire
Counter Fire is a unique mobile anime MOBA game that incorporates elements of Battle Royale and leverages blockchain technology.
MetaCene is the home for building the next generation of blockchain MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) designed for large-scale players. It pioneers player-centric entertainment, governance, and creativity through innovative PVE and PVP gameplay, robust technological infrastructure, social guild DAO governance, sustainable economic systems, and an in-game AIGC editor. Founded by gaming experts with over 20 years of industry experience from companies like Shanda Games, Blizzard, Perfect World, and more.
Footballcraft, TOPGOAL's flagship product, is a 12x speed football simulation game that leverages AI engine and blockchain to create a dynamic and immersive digital experience, mirroring and magnifying the real world. Here, goals are motivated by fame, power and fortune and provides each fan and gamer with a unique opportunity to manage teams, deploy strategies, and engage in competitions. With the development of fully on-chain game infra and AI tech, the ultimate goal of Footballcraft is to build a parallel autonomous football world.

欧易 GameSphere

为公链和游戏项目提供全面的技术服务,每个合作伙伴都能以最低成本打造 GameFi 产品。同时,我们将投入多种推广资源,帮助 GameFi 项目获取用户流量。此外,我们也为 GameFi 用户提供一站式服务,让用户在这里轻松找到自己关注的游戏项目,并提供游戏资产交易、活动参与机会和游戏数据分析等功能。