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Photo recap: Review of OKX, What's Next, 2024 event by OKX in Da Nang

Da Nang, Vietnam, March 31, 2024 - OKX, a leading global Web3 technology and crypto exchange, organized a community event in Da Nang named "OKX, What's Next , 2024".

After the success of the event in Hanoi held in January 2024, Da Nang - known as the most livable city in Vietnam, was chosen as the next stop of the "OKX, What's Next, 2024" event series in Vietnam.

The event was held at Ariyana International Convention Center on March 31, 2024, which is Vietnam's high-class convention center. This is the location that successfully hosted the 25th APEC 2017 Summit Week in Da Nang.

OKX event in Danang stage

Photo: the stage of the OKX, What's Next, 2024 event

The event in Da Nang received a record number of registrations and participants. In total, we attracted more than 750 attendees, with more than 1,000 registrations in just 3 days, making it OKX's largest community event in Vietnam, surpassing the one held in Hanoi, in terms of size and the welcome of the community. Besides, there were over 700 NFTs, designed exclusively for the event, minted by participants and listed on the NFT marketplace of OKX Web3 Wallet.

OKX event in Danang Holder Challenge

Photo: Participants with the OKX Holder challenge. The number of people participating in the challenge can sometimes be up to 7 people at the same time

OKX event in Danang Photo and Web3 booth

Photo: Participants with the challenges at the social booth and the Web3 booth

OKX, What's Next, 2024 in Da Nang brought together guests who are top builders, researchers, and community leaders in Vietnam. The event quickly became an open forum for guests to share their perspectives and opinions on the trending topics in crypto right now such as Bitcoin halving, restaking, Bitcoin NFT (Ordinals), Bitcoin Layer 2, airdrop, etc., especially when Bitcoin halving is around the corner. The discussions of the guests stimulated the audience's interest in the future of Bitcoin and how it could evolve in the near future.

OKX event in Danang Panel discussion 1

Photo: Guest of panel discussion session #1 with the topic: Bitcoin Halving - Opportunities and challenges.

OKX event in Danang Panel discussion 2

Photo: Guest of panel discussion session #2 with the topic: The challenge of building a blockchain community.

On a special note, this is the first crypto event to deliver a comprehensive experience to participants by hosting two special performances: stand-up comedy by Phuong Nam from the Saigon Teu group, and music by Vietnam's leading indie band Chillies.

OKX event in Danang standup comedy

Photo: the performance by star stand-up comedian Phuong Nam from Saigon Teu group

OKX event in Danang music band

Photo: the performance by Chillies band

The success of the OKX, What's Next, 2024 event series is a testament to the great need for learning and exchange of ideas of the local crypto community in Vietnam. It also demonstrates OKX's commitment to supporting the local community in the world. OKX hopes to have brought a great event experience to all participants, and will continue to bring OKX, What's Next, 2024 to more Vietnamese users.

OKX event in Danang audience

Photo: All audience eagerly responded to the event's challenges

OKX Event in Danang prize

Photo: Participants winning prizes at the event

OKX community event in Danang group photo

Photo: Participants took a group photo with the OKX team after the event

Video of the event is available here.

OKX would like to send our thanks and gratitude to the crypto community in Da Nang.

OKX team

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